Myrkdalen Mountain Resort is an Eco-Lighthouse
The operation of skilifts and cabin construction cannot be viewed as environmental measures on their own. Over the past decade, extensive development has impacted Myrkdalen in various ways. However, our goal is to make this development as sustainable as possible. We believe that it is possible to think big while also taking responsibility for the environment.

Waste management
Myrkdalen Hotel has prioritized waste management and sorting efforts. Since 2017, the total amount of waste produced has decreased, and the sorting rate has consistently been just over 70% in recent years.
The Myrkdalen Hotel, Myrkdalen Mountain Lifts, and the parent company are all certified for their commitment to environmental sustainability.
Technical facility
Myrkdalen Hotel is connected to a district heating system that utilizes locally sourced wood chips, covering 50% of its total energy consumption.
Electric car and charging stations
Som eit ekstra miljøtiltak har Myrkdalen Hotel 2 el-bilar som reinhaldsavdelinga nyttar mellom hyttene og leiligheitene. Hotellet har òg installert seks ladepunkt for el-bilar og to av desse er Tesla-ladarar
Systematic monitoring of energy consumption
The night staff at Myrkdalen Hotel have altered their routines to focus on reducing overall energy consumption. After closing time, they now conduct check rounds that include turning off lights and heating in unused rooms and switching off equipment that isn't in operation. This emphasis on energy efficiency enables the hotel to save approximately 14,000 kWh annually.
Myrkdalen Hotel is connected to a district heating system that uses locally produced wood chips. This system covers 50% of the total energy consumption.
Heating system
During our hotel's certification process, it was discovered that the heating system was not properly regulated. Once the control system was finely tuned, the hotel saved 500,000 kWh annually.
Myrkdalen Mountain Lifts
At Myrkdalen Mountain Lifts, improved arrangements have been made for ski guests to dispose of their waste and recyclables. Convenient containers are available throughout the ski resort. Reminders about this are on the backs of chairlifts, on safety bars in the lifts, and in various other locations around the facility.